MATERI 3 : Indonesia emas (Mandiri dan bersatu dalam nilai gotong royong yang berintegritas)

Materi 3
Indonesia Emas ( Mandiri dan bersatu dalam nilai gotong royong yang berintegritas ) 
Ibu Diah satyani saminarsih

What does the world need?
1. Universal health coverage
3. Health and well-being
4. Health emergency 

•aldentification of structural challenges
  - Data system
  - Health care delivery
  - Medical education system
  - Budgeting system
  - Health Work Force mechanism
•Theory of Change, New Framework
•Reinstating community based health efforts, based in PHC with active outreach to communities.
•Shift of role for community health workers from voluntary to merit and performance-based
•Public-Private Mix: clear incentives for private sector involvement in PHC
•Clear answers to the structural challenges:
  - Data system
  - Health care delivery
  - Medical education system
  - Budgeting system
  - Health Work Force mechanism

How about Indonesia?
Indonesian voice so badly under- represented in the global conversation about health and medical science.

The country has tended to look inwards rather than outwards, diminishing the importance of contributing to global learning and knowledge

CISDI as the national enabler for primary healthcare transformation
As a prominent player, CISDI empowers improvement on primary healthcare service delivery through innovations with key stakeholders
1. Innovation
2. Growth
3. Network 

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